Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Did it!

I finally officially registered for the Instructor Candidacy program last week. The craziness of my brother's wedding is over. My sister and twin nieces are back home in Texas and the dust is starting to settle from our interior "remodel" and painting project.

I talked with my mentor and will be able to assist with a Renewal Class in August and then be a Course Assistant for the 4-day Child Passenger Safety Technician Class in September. I will also Tech at two car seat check events in September and attend a 1-day Occupant Protection conference next week. Early 2009 I will go through a class as an Instructor Candidate to become certified. Lots of exciting stuff and lots of reading, researching, learning as well as practicing teaching my knowledge of CPS!!

I still plan to start my blog talk radio show in August. Day and time are still to be determined but will be sure to post as soon as I know.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Blog Talk Radio Show

Tomorrow is the day! I'm excited and nervous and hope I can impress people with the desire to use child restraints and seat belts properly to save their lives. I will be a guest on ASK MomRN's Blog Talk Radio show, Monday July 7 at 11 am EST.

I am going through my CPST manual and highlighting important things I may want to talk about. I just hope someone calls in with a simple question that's easy enough to be answered AND understood over the radio.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Have you weighed your child lately?

Since it is summer time and we will spend more time in the car due to vacations or activities, I wanted to remind all you moms to WEIGH YOUR CHILDREN and READ the LABELS on the side of your child's car seat and/or the car seat manual!!

Why is this important you might ask? If your child is above the weight limit of their car seat then your child isn't being protected as much as you thought.

Infant Rear-facing only car seats can have weight limits of 20lbs, 22lbs, 25 lbs, or 30lbs. Make sure that you do not place an infant seat in front of an airbag.

Rear-facing Convertible seats can have weight limits of 22lbs, 30lbs, or 35lbs.

Forward-facing 5 point harness seats can have harness limits of 40 lbs, 50 lbs, 65 lbs, or 80 lbs.

Booster seats with built-in harnesses should be used to the maximum weight limit for that harness. The weight limits for this type of car seat can often be confusing. The instructions give one weight limit to be followed with the harness and one weight limit to be followed without the harness.

Booster seats without harnesses should only be used for children who exceed the height and weight of a 5 point harness AND who will remain buckled the entire trip with the lap and shoulder belt across the shoulder and hips. Your child should be able to sit with their back against the vehicle seat and knees bending at the edge of the seat. The lap shoulder belt should come along the hips and across the middle of the shoulder.

Each car seat manufacturer has different weight limits. Be sure to read the labels and/or instructions.

GIVE IT A CHECK TODAY!! If your child is near the weight limit it is time for a new seat or to place the convertible seat forward facing.

Please keep infants and young children rear-facing until they reach the weight and height limits of a rear-facing convertible seat. Children 13-24 months that remain rear-facing have 5 times the protection for their head, neck, and spine as the children 13-24 months that are forward-facing.